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About Me.

Name: Emma Jayne Carroll

D/O/B: 12/03/199-

Home region: Hereford & Worcestshire

Current Region: Yorkshire & The Humberlands

My Aspirations in Life:

To become who i truly should be in both body and soul.

Become as successful as i possibly can.

Enjoy life.

Hey there, so you found my about page, well i guess that i best add something about myself here then.

Ok well i guess first things first if the name did not suggest i am Transgender or as some would say Transexual, and ofcause the second part is Emma which is my first name, ofcause it was not my birth name and i will not be mentioning that part of my past because that is not me but rather just a part of my past.

at the present time January 2017 i am 26 year young due to turn 27 in March.

To save you trying to figure out the year i am a 90's baby literally 1990.

As i previously mentioned i am transgender, but to add to that i am pre-operative transgender and have been on hormones for what is coming close to the third year in march, yes what a birthday present it was when they issued me with my first supply just 12 days before my birthday, the picture is of before i actually began my transition when i was still transitioning but not yet n hormones i wanted to get a head start on the living full time role and whilest many say i do not wear dresses and skirts enough well let me ask this, does every girl, woman and lady wear a dress all the time, hell no some literally hate them (though that most certainly is not me.

Ok so next up is i stream games live on twitch i have only been doing it for just under a year as things stand and so only have a small gathering but i certainly hope to expand on that and one day become a twitch partner and be able to get things like sponsorships to be able to develop my channels further both twitch and youtube, i often send most of my twitch streams to youtube, maybe not immediately or sometimes within the same week but i typically try to get most of them over, my YouTube channel has been going for about a year as a channel and not just a profile when i started uploading highlights from games i was playing though most of these earlier videos are now gone.

my YouTube channel has less subscribers but once again i can only hope that will grow.

i do really enjoy my gaming and whilest i am unable to work due to mental health issues, most of which i hope can be resolved post transition, i do volunteer but obviously that does not bring any money in and often costs to be able to do it you know travel food etc, but ofcause if i do the minimum amount of hours i can claim bus fair back which i do see as a fair deal and i enjoy that, it also allows me to grow my work experience for when i am finally capable of getting and holding down a job, so until then the gaming is something that i enjoy and whilest i have not yet earned any money through that i am hoping that some nice people might donate at some point.

To further mention hobbies, reading, writing, music and other entertainment such as film and theatre are major likes of mine, i do still class my self as an actress/actor though i have only auditioned for two roles since beginning transition as the responses i got were offering me a male role and that is not what i am after unless it is a transgender or similar role, i love to write and have been working on well honestly several books for a very long time 11 years now, though i currently have paused for ideas and research etc, i had previously kept restarting changing things etc, and then theres the whole financial issue, my Microsoft Office subscription expired and so i have been unable to further continue that until i can get the saem version or newer apparently the file will not read on older Word programs i own such as 2007 or other similar software such as Open Office.

I also do enjoy making music aswell as listening to it though i have paused on actually making any as i have several projects going and to inspire so much all at one time is just so stressful and hard to manage.

Ok well anyway that is a fair section about me and this page is beginning to get really long so below should you wish to contact me is my email address, or follow whichever social media link ath the top of the page.



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